My Page

Welcome to my site!


About me!

My name is Char, I REALLY like Pokémon, Nintendo consoles, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and animation. I also like Dreamwork films, Hamilton, Stardew Valley, Minecraft, Terraria, Tally Hall, and writing. I like creating stories usually superhero related, I like reading murder and romance stories. My favourite films are Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, The Bad Guys, The Lego Movie, Spider-man into the Spider-verse, and Finding Nemo. I hope to become a TV show producer or work in animation. Thank you so much for reading :D

A picture of my plushie Pinguini, (like the guy from ratatouille's name, but penguinfied)

About me!

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About this website

I got the idea to make this website a while after my friend Qwerzy34 made their own (web button below). Its really cool and you should totally check it out! This is a place where I'll share my art, photography, coding, games, and other cool things! I also have plans for other small stuff like Pokémon showdown teams, fangames, and a really bad web comic in the works! I'll keep updates on here.

My friends website

My Stuff!

This is where I'll put my work such as photos, art, writing, coding projects, and other stuff.
I also may put Pokémon stuff such as teams and other cool stuff/fangames.

My Photos

My AMAZING, blue skyA lovely really orange sunset near some shadowed out trees A river/ocean behind a small stone wall, I accidentally called this photo a sky lmao

My art

This part of the site is UNDER CONSTURCTION (or I just don't have any good art to put here thats the real reason lol)! Please wait till I get something here (if you actually care)!

A spinning gif of a warning sign